
Attention: The links below open in a new Window/Tab of your browser. Thus you can easily return to, just by closing the new Window/Tab.

Cancel your recurring subscription at CCBill
To cancel your subscription open the Subscription Form At CCBill. Please note that you can change the language by clicking on the small flags in the upper right corner. First choose the payment method then fill in two of the three fields, for instance your Email and your Subscription ID. Then click on SEARCH and the upcoming page will present your subscription informations. There click on "Cancel".
Lookup your subscription details at CCBill
To lookup your subscription details open the Subscription Form At CCBill. Please note that you can change the language by clicking on the small flags in the upper right corner. First choose the payment method then fill in two of the three fields, for instance your Email and your Subscription ID. Then click on SEARCH and the upcoming page will present your subscription details.
Change your credit card at CCBill
If your credit card has changed and you have a recurring subscription, you must tell the changes to CCBill so they can still charge your credit card. Otherwise your recurring subscription might terminate.

To change your credit card open the Subscription Form At CCBill. Please note that you can change the language by clicking on the small flags in the upper right corner. First choose the payment method then fill in two of the three fields, for instance your Email and your Subscription ID. Then click on SEARCH and the upcoming page will present your subscription informations. There click on "update your payment information".

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

How does the recurring subscription work?
When the recurring subscription starts you are charged 24 US Dollar and you become a member for 30 days. After these first 30 days you are charged 3 US Dollar and you stay a member for another 30 days. Now you are periodically charged 3 US Dollar every 30 days until you cancel your subscription.
What happens when I cancel my recurring subscription?
When you cancel your recurrent subscription, it doesn't stop immediately. You still remain a member until your 30 days period has expired. At the end of your 30 days period nothing is charged anymore and your subscription is terminated. Thus you can cancel anytime. You always get the 30 days subscription you already have payed for.